Wolf Habitat!

This site is designed to work with the data provided by the International Wolf Center web site. Researchers there have been conducting radiotelemetry work with wolves in Minnesota since 1968. The data available from the International Wolf Center web site for the current study starts in 1994. Wolves fitted with radio collars transmit signals that allow the researchers to locate them. The web site is regularly updated to include recent locations. There are two basic ways to use this site. It can be used to explore the study area and its habitat, and see where observations have occurred over the course of the study. It can also be used to place particular wolf observations, such as the most recent wolf observations, on a map that includes habitat information. Use this link to go directly to the searchable database that includes the most recent locations. You can use these locations (Township, Range, and Section numbers) to find the wolves on the maps on this site. This site provides maps with features provided by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. They include features such as roads, lakes and streams, and forest types. See the habitat the wolves have been using over the course of the study, and see where they were as recently as a few days ago!

 Study Site  See where this study is happening.
 Map Instructions Go here if you are not familiar with the map menus and buttons.
 Locator Map
Use this map to pinpoint the location of a particular wolf. Most (but not quite all) observations will fall within the area covered by this map. You may also use this map to see if the observation that interests you falls within the area covered by the main map which provides habitat detail.
 Small Maps  Use these maps like the main map, but for speed, especially if you have a dial-up internet connection or an older computer.
 Main Map Use this map to see where your wolf observation is in relation to lakes, roads, and other features Or see how many wolf observations have occurred in a particular place. See the forest type or other cover type (marsh, bog, etc.) in a particular area. What habitat are the wolves using?
.pdf maps Adobe Acrobat maps showing the distribution of wolf observations.